Knut Eckstein

Knut Eckstein
"I'm notreallyinterested in anythinggreaterthan life"
Gallery 02
October 5 2019 - January 5 2020

Knut Eckstein offers us a certain twist; were he turns the outside inwards; no more, no less than the sensation – the sensory impression – of a monumental, three-dimensional walk-in landscape painting. And in fact, the traditional generic name of painting, is perhaps the most appropriate way to give the viewers a very first idea of this undoubtedly strange, work by Knut Eckstein.

 “Here and there scattered around are technical devices, not in operation - a fan, a smoke machine - referring to originally opulent plans, that no longer exist. Knut Eckstein favours a concentration and consolidation of artistic means.”

Marcel Baumgartner on Knut Eckstein - ontheway, at Kunsthalle Gießen, 2016 (excerpt from a press release).